Thursday, August 9, 2012


On Worthiness ~ When in alignment you know your worth so fully, you never ever sense accusation of any sort hence no urge to defend oneself.
You know that in alignment you always act in a cluster, its never "little you" acting - it's done in collective from a broader perspective, so "little you" doesn't know the whole picture and is never as you say responsible or blameable in the sense that we mean it. You can seem to be accused and blamed by others, but its your own story you're telling. When in alignment you know your worth so fully, you never ever sense accusation of any sort hence no urge to defend oneself. The feeling of urge to accuse and point out wrongness is always from a non-aligned state of being. The feeling of urge to defend oneself comes from that same place of non-alignment. No action can be a wrong-action in the broader sense, although it is more or less aligned as we see it and you are fully able to choose which way to act, live and respond in every circumstance. Alignment always feels lighter and freer, that is how you know the difference.
August 8th 2012

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